On the river banks in the middle of the plain of Aubenas Les Alpes stands the farm of the Pascal family, a house which name talks of its past function : le Moulin Brun - the Brown Mill.
The presence of water (in sight or underground) brought by the Largue, good soil, flat lands, a sunny exposition : as many reasons to grow vegetables and aromatic herbs. Florian will guide you through his diversely irrigated cultivations.
Then the path leaves the fresh ands shady sides of the river to go through the scrub up the Aubenas hill. On an ancient transhumance path, Florian explains the lands : the surrounding mountains, the flint and its prehistoric use in this valley, the black pine planted to make up for the damages caused par an overextended grazing.
On the way back down, see the park built for an unexpected breeding of ...moufflons, of which there are a few left.
Then the visit joins the Largue waters again, that natural power supply used in the past by the numerous flour mills of the valley.
Today, the water is used by another industry : the distillery, in which are extracted the heady perfumed essential oils.
The visit ends with a tasting rich with season's fruits.
On reservation only, Florian offers direct sale of his organic products :
• melons and courgettes (platters)
• potatoes (bags)
• other fruits according to the season.
Accommodations :
• 3 bed and breakfast, 3 gîtes under the label Gîte de France and Gîte Panda.
Rental of bikes as member of the “Velo Loisir en Luberon” network.

* Païsalp is an association of farmers of Haute-Provence, careful of the quality of their production : respect of the natural cycle of the animals and the cultures, home-made fabrication or transformation in human-sized workshops.